Download New Life Project [v0.6.8]


About 5 months ago

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Nota Bao Games released a new game called New Life Project and the version is 0.6.8. The game’s story is about You are a young and beautiful 18-year-old girl from Riverton Heights, woken up unbeknownst to where she is. Can you survive with no recollection of your past?

Game Details


Developer:Nota Bao
File Size:806.1 MB

game details

Game Version Changelog:


  • Added a cage to the casino where you’ll be depositing money for chips to play with.
  • Go to the same cage with your chips to get your money back out again.
  • If you get caught cheating in the casino, you’ll lose your chips, and therefore your deposited money.
  • Your chip balance is displayed in the main section of the casino and in the chip cage.
  • You’re now able to file a police report in the Los Huevas Police Department.
  • Fixed the Constantin Continue button being there even after clicking continue.
  • Fixed errorcode on <<replace>> function due to missing <<replace>> ID in the bus with the businessman scene.
  • Removed unnecessary line breaks.
  • Added typewriter effect to all terminals in the game. This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
  • Added special effects to certain text elements in the game. Explore and find out where! This is just to enhance gameplay and will not affect the story or characters in any way.
  • Added more cheats for Patrons.
  • Improved some of the cheats for Patrons to make them easier to use and see what they do.
  • Fixed Noah not gaining any loves points due to the following error: Error: macro <<noahLove>> does not exist.
  • Fixed bugs with different browser support for javascript and blackjack in the casino.
  • Meeting Lily for a date in your room over the phone now effectively lowers her WaitTime ratio, and thus making it easier to keep her as a partner instead of her breaking up with you after short time.
  • Bumped Lily’s wait time ratio to 4 instead of 3, making her stay with you one day longer if you neglect her. Don’t neglect her.
  • When working at the cult, you will no longer see “You already have a job”
    • Fixed the same issue at the cafe, the bar, the library and the hospital
  • Using the cheat console to get the cult job will now correctly assign the variables, so you can actually work the cult job.
  • Removed large linebreaks in the cult work section.
  • All tasks in the cult now effectively go towards the cultWork variable needed to get promotions at the cult.
  • Phoning Lily for a date now no longer takes you directly to apartment 401 with Zack. Now, it tracks where you live and places you accordingly.
  • Taking the train back from Los Huevas is now free, effectively removing the unfair price changes from having one ticket or more than one ticket.
  • Fixed spelling errors.
  • If you’re not able to escape the asylum in due time, you’ll be broken down into pieces and sent off with Tim for a playable hard end. I recommend saving your game when you get thrown into the asylum if you don’t want to have to restart your game if you can’t escape.
  • Added Tim’s House.
  • Added story continuation to the Church route.
  • Added some variables to the initial load passage to maintain framework for new players.
  • Time now advances in the asylum when you do psychological evaluations.
  • Time now advances in the asylum when you spend time in the canteen, whether you eat there or not. This is to make it easier for the player to achieve the playable hard end.
  • Reformatted the email buzzwords to not include buzzphrases.
  • Changed the heart next to links to another heart, this time it is classified as an emoji. Do let me know through discord if these Emojis appear strange or malformed, or even as boxes to some of you.
  • Reformatted the simple character creator screen to use columns.
  • Updated the help section with a bit of new information.
  • Nerdy specs
    • 134.491 words! (Patron version)
    • 4.698 words added!
    • 1029 passages (Patron version)
    • 47 passages added!
    • Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!


  • Fixed a bug where a wrong image would show in the brothel gloryhole.
  • You will now gain trust with the brothel by working there.
  • Fixed a formatting issue in the brothel, with missing line breaks.
  • Added tooltips to going downtown and uptown. Hovering over the links will now give a short explanation on what locations are to be found there.
  • Added missing line breaks when looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • Working at the bar will now correctly increase your arousal when in the correct event.
  • Sleeping at night with purity or low corruption will now correctly increase your corruption instead of showing an error. Again.
  • Added missing line break in the café to ensure a smooth look.
  • If you have a job, you can no longer apply for a position in other jobs without quitting your job first. This is to ensure a uniform experience in all jobs, from start to finish.
  • Fixed missing images to supporting Zack under the desk.
  • Fixed missing images to taking Zack to a date in the woods.
  • Relaxing in the Café while cleaning tables will now lower pressure.
  • Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the camp wake up passage as well as adding the same (this time fixed) linkreplace to the camp dream passage as well as the camp nightmare passage.
  • Fixed wrongful termination of linkreplace in the Zack Café date event.
  • Slightly edited the café flash image to better fit the loop time.
  • Added notifications throughout the game. More to be added later, right now they’re mostly in the end stages of the storyline. An example would be: “You’ve acquired Tyson’s ID card.” This is to both help the player with what to do, but also to add some flavor and edge to it all. It’s also got notifications for different kinds of stats.
  • Fixed the flavortext for getting the apartment 401 key, so if you have a job it will show “Good thing you have a nice paying job!” instead of “Maybe there’s some way you could make some money.” and the other way around.
  • Added necessary line breaks throughout the game.
  • Added randomization to the café brew game. Instead of pre-added orders, all orders are completely randomized.
  • Added a small chance of getting “Your trauma affects the way you behave. You should go see a doctor” as a trauma notice when walking around with above 90 trauma.
  • Added buzzwords to the email mini game for the office.
  • Collecting all buzzwords will give you an unlock in the stattracker with a bonus.
  • Collecting a buzzword while writing an email will give you a bonus of £100 per buzzword found. All found buzzwords will be collected. Once a buzzword is collected, it can’t be used again.
  • Rewrote a downtown scene.
  • Nerdy specs
    • 119.645 words! (Patron version)
    • 1.231 words added!
    • 929 passages (Patron version)
    • 3 passages added
    • Special thanks to Taulion for playtesting and helping with this update!
    • Rewriting done by Dean! Thank you!
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