Latest Early Acces Desktop Games
Simulation,Early Access
TCG Card Shop Simulator Build 16214992
TCG Card Shop Simulator is a trading card shop simulation where you sell card booster packs to earn...
Indie,Simulation,Early Access
Craftomation 101 Programming and Craft v0.84.3-GOG
This craft automation game brings you the most tempting features: Tiny robots Visual programming...
Adventure,Indie,RPG,Early Access
Forsaken Frontiers v1100
In the year 1988, a chilling cataclysm transformed the world into an icy wasteland, claiming the liv...
Indie,Early Access
Voids Vigil v4.1
~ In a distant galaxy beyond our reach a super-massive blackened star was discovered now known as Th...
Adventure,RPG,Early Access
RAIDBORN Build 16206842
Enough of wasting precious time by walking eternal distances and engaging in endless dialogue? Want...
Adventure,RPG,Early Access
Rotwood Build 16210227
The world has been thrown into chaos, and it’s up to you and your friends to battle the corrupted be...
Simulation,Early Access
Pioneers of Pagonia Build 16206113
In a world of countless islands populated with scattered tribes, you build up and manage a thriving...
Indie,RPG,Early Access
Mortal Sin Build 16200390
Deep And Rewarding Melee Combat Fluid melee combat is at the heart of this roguelike. Each hit of...
Indie,Early Access
Sunkenland Build 16201757
Sunkenland is an exciting post-apocalyptic survival and exploration game set in the near future when...
Indie,Simulation,Early Access
Techtonica Build 16206154
Welcome to the strangely beautiful, bioluminescent, and mysterious sub-surface alien world of Techto...